Thursday, December 10, 2009

Lobster Mac 'n' Cheese


So I just watched the final episode of Top Chef last night and was relatively happy with the result- probably because I made a bet with my friend that Michael would win over Brian. I have to admit, I was a big Kevin fan, but he did lack the technical and creative skill set the Voltaggio brothers had.

During the show, my friend was hungry and all she had in the fridge was some romaine lettuce for a salad. So she took the romaine out, sprinkled some almonds onto it and dressed it with a bottled balsamic vinaigrette. She asked if I wanted some and I gave her a sorta stink eye look. I thought to myself, now why not put some watermelon in there, maybe some feta cheese and maybe a raspberry vinaigrette instead of boring balsamic... now THAT would spice it up a notch!

Okay so what the hell is wrong with me? When did I become Jeffrey Steingarten? And worse, how the hell do I know who Jeffrey Steingarten is!?! (He's that angry food critic on iron chef America).

In today's world of 10-14 hour work days and my nervous twitch that invariably leads me to check and re-check my iphone for work email, food has become the one consistent hobby I have left. Most social evenings with friends center around good food and drink and it's always exciting to try some place new (although having a go-to classic spot is just as key). But something I've realized is that good food and drink doesn't mean lobster and a bottle of kistler and cheap eating doesn't need to be a subway $5 footlong.... although I love both. What I'm really looking for is something in the middle aka my lobster mac 'n' cheese.

I've tried to do a couple blogs in the past and just didn't have the energy to keep them up. Probably because I talked about politics, law, and health care which is what I do all day. I think this blog has a better shot at sustainability because food is something completely different from what I do.

I'm hoping this blog will be helpful and fun for other people like me out there and would love suggestions along the way.

Cheers and Bon Appetit!


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